Expense Tracking System

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Expense Tracking System

This system allows you to keep track of the transaction that you perform by adding to the database. This system is cloud based so it can be accessed from anywhere.

Languages/libraries used to buid this site are: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap CSS, PHP, AJAX, JQuery, Javascript, MYSQL(Database) and PHP Mailer

Features of this website:

  • Add data with validation
  • Track of the receipt
  • Debit/Cedit based transactions
  • Currency based transaction
  • login system for admins to access dashboard. Secure login with multi layer securty.
  • Dashboard for managing different sectors of the website.
  • Auto mail to admin

If you wish to use this website for your project then the files can be found on github whose link is available below. Use of Exact replica of this website is not permitted.

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