Project for App mockup

Project for App mockup design

Meter DB is a webapp designed for the convenience of accessing the web platform of the website. This app is solely designed for admin own use to keep track of monthly meter readings. Tis app is designed to keep all the webpages in one app removes the burdern of accesing different webpages by typing URL on the browser. This app is not available for download for any external users.

Software used: Photoshop CS6
App availabe only for android phones

This project is solely designed by Roshan Sutihar. Features & Info of this project is listed below:

  • Document size: 344*337 pixels
  • Background color: #dee5dd
  • Gradient: #fe8848 - #f95a5e
  • Mobile mockup: Iphone
  • Fonts: null

Download of the PSD may or may not be available to all the visitors on this website. Please note some projects are designed for specific purpose only and downloads may be disabled.

Download the PSD File
